Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Die Hard: My Favorite Christmas Movie

When it comes to my generation, I believe there are certain movies that we hear about so many times while watching other movies that we either feel like we've seen them already, or don't want to because we're already tired of it. Schindler's List, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shawshank Redemption, you get it. These among many others have essentially sent the standard for their respective genres and it is because of this that they are always being compared to new movies that come out. My point being, Die Hard is such a film. Everybody I know has heard of it, they know Bruce Willis is in it, but they refuse to watch it. Why? Probably because it's old and no genre is as saturated with filth and drivel as action. We feel like once we've seen one shoot em up movie, we seen em all. People are generally right, but it's unfortunate that is is the case because this is the action movie that every other one wants to be. There is so much going on in this film you will have to pause it and take a breath. New York City cop visits his ex-wife at her corporate building job in Los Angeles, perhaps to rekindle what they had, or maybe apologize. We never find out because as soon as he gets there the 30th floor is taken over by European terrorists. He is able to duck away with his gun, but without his shoes. And this is the way our hero is going to be for the rest of the movie. I don't want to spoil anything more, but I will say that you will enjoy watching Bruce Willis take on all 12 terrorists one at a time, each with their own reason for being there (yes, we actually get to know the anonymous henchmen in this movie) while getting kicked around a fair amount himself. Merry Christmas!

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