Sunday, December 4, 2011

Enter Donnie Darko

What can I say? I like movies that start off as something trite and cliched but end as something so different you have trouble deciding what to call it. Meet Donnie Darko (Jake Gylenhall), a teenager once again in suburbia with a pretty normal mom, dad, younger sister, and life. Until of course, one day he wakes up in the middle of the night and sees visions of a rabbit, or perhaps somebody in a rabbit suit, stating only a time period in which the world will end. In the morning, he wakes up in the middle of a golf course with no recollection of how he got there and comes to see that a jet engine has crashed into his house, destroying his room. This of course means that the vision he had saved his life because he left his room to answer it, but what does it mean? And who is that infernal rabbit? These are the questions along with many more that you will find yourself asking throughout the course of this film, and you will wait eagerly till the end to find out the mystery of Donnie Darko in this psychological film.

A good review and the trailer can be viewed here:

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